Leslie Alan Adelman's Last Waltz, another failure of the Ukiah Police Department

 RIP, Leslie Alan Adelman.

No, he didn't die. He merely killed someone on State Street... right near the area that he had been brandishing a weapon for days, weeks, into months. Right near the area that he had been serially stalking someone, without intervention from the UPD. Right near the area that the UPD visited almost daily in order to deal with Leslie... as they wasted huge amounts of manhours per month without actually dealing with the problem.

The video of Leslie brandishing a knife, pretending to cut his own throat while staring at my girlfriend will be posted soon. It was taken a few days before the murder. He clearly brandishes a knife and makes threatening gestures, while obstructing traffic and harassing citizens on the sidewalk. THE POLICE DID NOTHING.

Leslie isn't likely "crazy" in the legal sense of the word. Leslie is likely sociopathic. These traits, his predatory behaviors, threats, brandishing weapons and other daily issues should have informed the city and through the city, the county, to get involved and deal with this OBVIOUS threat to citizens in Ukiah. They should have done this so that some poor bastard, who likely did nothing and simply found himself a target of this idiot, wouldn't end up dead. 

No, Adelman didn't die. RIP in this case refers to him being "raped in prison"; something he has richly earned with his predatory behavior. I wish him good sex, and hope his roomie is LARGE and HUNGRY. 

This incident speaks volumes of the UPD and city management. The UPD knew of this guy. If the UPD were forced to compile Adelman calls for the last 2 years and publish them, you would likely be shocked at the amount of resources spent dealing with his issues. That time spent by the UPD is nothing to brag about. It is time wasted, clearly. It did not get results. Ineffective policing. Bad management. The UPD knew of this threat. They have data to support it, going back years. THEY DID NOTHING.

About a week or two ago, I hear Adelman was looked at again by the UPD, for suspected assault with a weapon, or brandishing a weapon. I didn't specifically see the accounting of this, but heard it from someone who had knowledge of the incident. A few days ago, I have video of Leslie, dancing in the street on State, armed with a knife, with gestures as described.

The UPD knew of this threat. UPD MANAGEMENT (WAIDELICH) DID NOTHING TO EFFECTIVELY DEAL WITH THE ONGOING THREAT. The city did nothing to deal with the threat. THEY LET SOMEONE DIE, while refusing to do their jobs and simply deal with the threat that could be seen daily in the Wells Fargo parking lot or in the street in front of it.

THEY DID NOTHING. Heckuva job, Brownie.

I guess that along with the homeless issues, property crimes, unleashed dog issues including bites, stalking, and other such issues... the Ukiah Police Department also do not really "do" "protecting and serving", since they KNEW of the threat, yet they did nothing to protect the victim or the rest of society, nor do anything consequential to serve by abating the hazard. 

Waidelich, his senior officers, and the City Manager have failed the city. They failed the victim. 

Waidelich and Sangiacomo should resign, along with most of the senior police officers in the department. Resign. They are ineffective, useless. Their judgment is questionable. They play games with people's lives, whilst ignoring REAL threats.

The dead guy could have easily been you or yours. Think about that.
