Uvalde Police failures vs Ukiah Police history of bad acts

It was clear early on in the process that cowards in the Uvalde Police Department put themselves over the victims, deciding to muster in the passageway and wait for others to come who might have better weapons and training... while children were being killed or bleeding out. The police had at least 10-minutes of notice of a shooting and wreck near a school. 

Post-Columbine tactics require that responding officers end an active shooter through immediate engagement in order to save lives. The responding officers, as stated, chose to "protect and serve" themselves over the victims, allowing the death to continue.

Uvalde is about the size of Ukiah. The courthouse in town could pass for the one in Ukiah, although a bit more attractive and better kept. It is rural. It could be Ukiah. These could be your children.

If you don't think so, just look at how Ukiah has fallen from the 1990s, where it was one of the "best small towns... blah blah blah", to now having multiple murders per year in addition to the great amounts of violent crimes and drug/alcohol crimes, and property crimes that property owners must absorb... day after day. Consider what appears, based on my experience, to be a fairly consistent Ukiah Police Department 25-minute response time to calls, as happened recently with protesters at the Food Co-op. I have seen a 26-minute response to an active stalking. 

There are other elements to consider. For example, the rapid rise of certain individuals in the Ukiah Police Department which are vastly faster than "industry" average for the position. For example, the Ukiah Police Chief Next-in-Line, Noble Waidelich, was promoted from basic patrol officer to Police Chief in around 6 years. He went from Sergeant to Police Chief in 3 years; 3 years, to go from Sergeant to Lieutenant, to Commander, to Captain, to Chief. Three years, to absorb 10-15 years of experience and judgment... or not, ending up an incompetent leader. 

I won't bother to address others in the corrupted Ukiah Police force. You can see that the promotion trend applies, if you look online.

So, if you have children in Ukiah, sending them to public schools in the morning... you are very dependent on the clowns, cowards and gameplayers in the Ukiah Police Department. These gossipy small-town idiot bumpkins masquerading as police. 

You can see the results of having cowards on a police force from the carnage in Texas. Is that what you really want for your kids? An unprofessional law enforcement department, who play games with people's liberties, while refusing to enforce city codes... because they can? The guys who beat Magdaleno on video, and then hired an ex-cop to "investigate" and produce a report to clear the department, while the city then quietly paid out a settlement to Magdaleno? You trust those guys? The guys that beat Rasku and then lied about it? You trust the guys that hired, trained and recently promoted Sgt. Kevin Murray? Those are the guys that you are going to depend on to save your kids?

I have faced fire and firearms and have been in bad situations all around the world. I can assure you that there are many in the UPD that will respond in the exact same fashion as you have seen in Uvalde. In fact, I bet I could name a couple of Ukiah Police who would turn-tail and run when lead began to fly. Don't think that they won't protect themselves first. 

For example, if a citizen is shot, you might get one or two cars to deal with it. If a cop is shot at, ALL the police will respond that if a suspect is willing to kill a police officer, imagine what he would be willing to do to civilians. This is exactly the argument that was made today in Texas by the assistant to the head of Texas law enforcement, as to why Texas police couldn't go into a live fire situation; they might get shot and then who would protect the children?

Don't fool yourself into thinking that, because you might know one, or go to church with a local law enforcement officer, that they have your best interests in mind. For example... look at one of a few actions filed against the current Police Chief. You can see the filings and the latest on the Amanda Carley v Noble Waidelich matter here. Read the filing. Compare it with elements alleged in the Siderakis matter. You will see that the two cases share a few common elements related to Waidelich's subjective, alleged behavior, allegedly using his position to shield himself or others in the department. Add to that the other Carley case, filed by Amanda's daughter, against Waidelich. If this stuff is true... do you think that Waidelich has your interests in mind... or his own? Do you think his leadership will improve the safety of your child, or endanger them further? I can assure you... the townsfolk of Uvalde knew many of those law enforcement officers who mustered in the hallway, awaiting more courageous officers to arrive and end the threat. I bet few of them would have thought that those officers would have stood by, guarding the perpetrator, as he slaughtered their children.

Yes, that is harsh... but that is reality, isn't it? I have seen what happens when you promote someone to a position for which they are unqualified for... prematurely, before they can be properly seasoned. It never ends well. The Ukiah Police Department is filled with folk who went from patrolman to GOD in 3-5 years. I have shown that, along with the salary increases that would make GOD blush. 

Ukiah has a department of unseasoned officers with unseasoned judgment, and untested and suspect intestinal fortitude; cowards that use children as a weapon to abate complaints that they might not like. I have shown that too. The City government has fostered this devolved atmosphere in the UPD, promoting folks far too quickly, with massive pay increases. As Carley alleged occurred to her in the article above, I have seen the City seek to marginalize people by implying that they are some threat to personnel simply to shut down any complaints that an individual might have against a City employee who acted inappropriately. This stuff happens in this City. Frankly, this city government reminds me more of an organized criminal enterprise than it does government.

Don't make the mistake of trusting this department to protect you and yours. They won't... until the department is cleansed from the cabal currently in the officer ranks, and those enabling them in the Ukiah City Manager's office, and in the City Council. The City Council needs to be replaced, so that a new council can then replace the City Manager, who can then replace the Police Chief and the rest of the brass, most of the Sergeants, etcetera. When that happens, the culture in the Ukiah Police Department can be changed... and you can then begin to trust in the response of the Ukiah Police. Until then, you can trust that when you have a dire need, you will get the regular 25-minute response by officers who pose.

Teach your kids. Don't trust the current city management, or current police leadership in Ukiah. Take care of your own. The Ukiah Police will not do it for you.
