Ukiah Police Chief, Chief-Next-In-Line Noble Waidelich, has been suspended during criminal investigation
On 14Jun22, Ukiah Police Chief-Next-In-Line Noble Waidelich was suspended; I assume WITH pay, since Sage Sangiacomo failed to directly disclose this important fact to the citizens of Ukiah. Failure to disclose usually means that benefits continue to flow.
The City of Ukiah and County of Mendocino, according to the Carley actions, have allegedly worked to effectively defend Waidelich from prosecution, amongst other malfeasance. Years go by; nothing happens.
The Los Angeles Times then writes a story on the Waidelich matters. Within no time, Sage Sangiacomo announces a "personnel" investigation into Waidelich, and both Sonoma County and Mendocino County disclose a transfer of a Waidelich criminal case, for investigation.
There are few coincidences in life. This is no exception. My opinion: the "system" was activated against Waidelich... because the "system" could no longer defend Waidelich, due to media attention.
Only after the Court decided to set trial for one of the Carley lawsuits, and then the LA Times article came out, did the city and county "systems" begin trying to make it look as if they were on the right side of history all along. Only NOW is it a "personnel issue" requiring "investigation". Only NOW does the County see a need for objective criminal investigations.
Citizens of Ukiah: The Matrix has you. The "system" in this stoopid little dope town is horribly corrupted. It wants to corrupt you too. Corruption needs to spread in order to thrive.
Unplug. Just say no. Strike that. Just say FUCK NO.
You are employing these people.... from the City Manager who either knew or should have known about the allegations regarding Waidelich before advancing him to Chief, to the County prosecutors and Sheriff Department personnel that participated in these affairs. You are paying for the malfeasance, for the offenses, for the denials, for the defenses, for bad personnel choices, and even legal costs with some of this nonsense. You are also paying costs to victims; around $1.3 Million and climbing, just for the Marray/Siderakis/Rasku/Magdaleno costs to date.
The office of the City Manager, currently occupied by Sage Sangiacomo, is responsible for the management of all of the above. Do you think Sage is doing a bang-up job? No?
The solution to Sage Sangiacomo is to VOTE OUT THE CITY COUNCIL.
In the meantime, start flooding the City Council with hardcopy complaint letters. I will put the page to the contact links below. Send LENGTHY hardcopy complaints about ALL City management issues; the longer, the better. The city must receive each and maintain them. Yes, copy each of the letters to the City Manager via email at too, but send a hardcopy to each City Councilmember, to make them actually handle the physical complaint, versus the easily disregarded phone call or electronic complaint.
Complain about the lack of city management, leading to the $1.3+Million settlements in recent police abuse cases. Complain about bad choices for Police Chief. Complain about the state of the roads. Complain about the poor use of public funds. Complain about the bad police tactics. Complain about ANYTHING which might affect your quality of life in Ukiah.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. These cruds can only deny it all for so long...
Richard Noggin
List of Ukiah City Councilmembers - City Council – City of Ukiah, CA
City Address - City of Ukiah Contact Information – City of Ukiah, CA
City Manager Sage Sangiacomo:
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