To serve, or not to serve. That is the question...
I just received a summons for jury duty. Here is my response to the incommunicado Mendocino County Jury Commissioner, who will not take telephone calls.
Office of the Jury Commissioner
Superior Court of California
May 8, 2022
I am in receipt of your summons for jury duty.
Be advised, I will not be serving on any jury in this specific city or county.
1. I sought protections for 4153 loose dog
violations after my dogs were repeatedly attacked at Todd Grove. Your LEOs (on
video) refused to enforce the law, and then stalked me to abate my
complaints about the violations. These exact same officers then prosecuted me
for a 4153 violation. Your court allowed this injustice, even punishing me for
my violation. I see no need to serve a system that refuses to provide me with equal
protections under the law, or then punishes me for violating a law that
isn’t being enforced.
2. Your “Night Court Harry”, the comedian-judge
overseeing traffic cases in 2017 convicted me on the word of a now-accused
multiple rapist for a traffic violation that I did not commit. I warned the
court that they would see Kevin Murray again, and they are seeing him again. This
was a small injustice, but injustice nonetheless.
3. I have made TWO very recent attempts to contact the County District Attorney’s Office about a month apart, seeking help with a police corruption issue. I have received no contact back. If the doors of the system are closed to me, and they are… the system and all involved can go pound sand in their respective arses, so to speak. The county can’t refuse to serve me, and then demand MY service. The county has refused to serve me.
Should you all decide one day to get your collective shit together, do let me know. I have rights that deserve protections, and when you are all willing to ensure that my rights are protected… perhaps I will entertain your needs.
I highly recommend that you dismiss me before 14Jun22. Should I not receive a letter excusing my presence, I will without question show up to the jury call, and I will urinate in any jury “pool” that I happen to come into contact with. I will let each and every member know of my experiences with the local justice system. I will bring videos and documents. Just wait until you see the shirt that I will be wearing with the Ukiah police references on it. At the end of the day, I will not be serving.
The question is, in your process of messing with me because of my views, how many other potential jurors will you cause to become corrupted, preventing their service too
come to me for MY service when you refuse to provide me with the protections
provided to me by law.
come with demands of my time, when your chief prosecutor can’t manage to return
a call, or schedule a meeting, or even assign a deputy to look into the issues.
It is now too late for a return call from the prosecutor. I have no interest in
talking to him now. I just consider him corrupted, based on his refusal to
come to me for my help after talking the word of a UPD-rapist who came armed
with 3 cameras, yet came to court with no evidence… leading to my conviction
for subjectively running a stop sign on his word alone; a crime I
didn’t commit.
Jury duty is part of a societal compact between citizens like me and authorities like the city and county. As with virtually any contract, when one party leaves the contract or somehow defaults, the other party is generally not burdened with honoring the contract in perpetuity.
The city and county law enforcement community, including the Court, have defaulted on this contract with me. The city knowingly used false allegations and then police stalking in order to abate my complaints about the loose dogs at Todd Grove Park, and then they prosecuted me in your court… for a violation of the same code that they refused, on video, to enforce over 2-3 weeks. The court (Pekin) allowed this travesty to occur, punishing me for a revenge ticket over an offense not prosecuted, filed by the same officers who refused to enforce 4153 violations at Todd Grove. Your D.A. refused to return my calls or office visit regarding the police stalking, and other issues; this also broke the compact with me.
Because of the breaches, I feel no special need to honor the compact any longer. Perhaps if I saw marked change in both the city and county governments, I might reconsider the matter at some point in the future. Additionally, I find the notion of lending MY name to anything which goes on in that courthouse to be repulsive. Offensive. I wouldn’t say that about any other city or county… anywhere. Just this corrupted little dope city, in the corrupted little dope county. I am not from here, as you can likely sense. I am from {____}. Your issues and not my mess. Clean up your own house.
In closing, I have a Mendocino County-issued permanent waiver for service on jury duty issued around 20 years ago. I see your recordkeeping sucks too, like the County’s “justice” system. No, I will not be [providing the county with more information, once again]. Learn to maintain your records.
And don’t call me. After all, the Jury Commissioner’s office isn’t taking MY calls. Neither is the D.A.
Warmest Regards,
Richard Noggin
cc: Mendocino County District Attorney’s
Office, Ukiah Police Chief Next-in-Line Waidelich
To serve, or not to serve. That is the question. To quote Nancy Reagan, "Just Say No". That is the answer. I might have served on a Grand Jury... with authority to investigate the authorities... but no, I will not participate in the corrupted criminal/civil system in this city/county.
If you are as disgusted with this city and county's corruption, don't lend your name to it. If you are not being served by the system, don't participate in the system. If the system has been wrongfully wielded against you... if you have been stalked by police... don't participate. Eventually, the system will need to moderate itself in order to prosecute cases. It will either moderate itself... or wallow in the corruption for another few decades.
Just Say No.
Richard Noggin
Forty-eight hours later, the official response from Mendocino County Superior Court:
"Thank you for your email. Your concerns are duly noted. In reviewing your juror history, we do see that you were granted a permanent exemption from jury service in 2005 therefore, your current summons has been excused".
- Gee... thanks. People, the justice system in this county is corrupted. I have lived in at least 9 states, and have traveled to 49 states, and internationally. I have lived in corrupted areas like New Orleans. N.O., as corrupted as it has been for so long, has nothing on Mendocino County. Don't serve this justice system. Just say no. Make the system come to a crawl... hit rock bottom like most addicts... and then seek to correct its issues. Only then will justice be truly served in that courthouse... and in the local law enforcement community. Refusing to participate, en masse, will force change. Change is needed.
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