Are all cops bastards?

No. But, most are. Let me explain. Using the recent lawsuit filed by a female former UPD officer related to the UPD Sgt. Kevin Murray debacle as an example, the Ukiah Police Department is a good ol' boys network, plugged into the city network that pretty much operates the same way.

In police departments, officers who speak out are often attacked. They are turned into pariahs. As the referenced action alleges, UPD management made it clear that inter-departmental relationships run deep, and that employment elsewhere would be difficult.

Just as dirty police defend their department, even from its own officers at times, dirty police also cover for each other in the field. They do this because, if they don't, they end up pariahs themselves. There is a video in my playlists from a former MCSO Deputy, who discusses the corruption within the entirety of the County area. He has made a whole series of videos, most admittedly I haven't had the time to watch but I intend to soon. 

Police officers that witness their "brothers-on-arms" committing crimes and/or violating a citizen's civil rights who say nothing, or who participate to support their "brother"... they are bastards. They are violating the rules of their employment. They are violating the civil rights of their victims. To say nothing IS TO PARTICIPATE. Yes, those police are bastards.

The Ukiah Police, evidenced by the many recent civil and criminal actions related to their personnel, is a broken system. The City Manager and City Council had an opportunity to correct the malfunctions when part of the problem resigned and retired in Sept 2021. What did the good ol' boy net work do?

Did they decide to make a bold move... perhaps look for a retired senior police officer from another area? Someone with no connections to the department could have walked in and relatively easily changed the toxic environment. Did the City have the courage to be bold?

No. They first promoted Wyatt... which led to Murray. When Wyatt retired, the City chose the next in line. Chief Next-in-Line was in the same leadership structure that gave Ukiah UPD Sergeant Murray. In fact, in I had access to police records, I bet that I could find evidence that Chief Next-in-Line signed off on Murray promotions and evaluations. Replacing part of the problem with part of the problem corrects nothing. It is masturbation, without the money shot. It was a cowardly choice... to maintain the status quo.

The UPD, like most departments, operates like a street gang. They all have to get in the car. They all have to get their hands dirty. They all have to look the other way. Silence is mandatory. If you are a young officer in the system, you learn the rules just like any gangbanger does.

ACAB? Let's say... the vast majority are bastards. Overpaid bastards. There are a few diamonds amongst the turds. I salute those with courage to simply do their frigging duty. 
