CHAPTER 11: Ukiah Police Harassment 23Dec21 Eric Rodello Noble Waidelich Sage Sangiacomo - YouTube

Prior to Xmas I had an encounter with Ukiah Police Officer Brett Chapman regarding my dog crapping at City Hall. I explained to Chapman that the city had informed me that they were no longer enforcing that law. I was allowed to leave. I then documented the incident with an email sent to Chapman, copying Chief-Next-in-Line, Rodello, the CSO Officers, and city management.

On 23Dec21, UPD Rodello, along with CSO Breece and Sgt. Ron Donohue, stalked me as I walked my dog, in a clearly planned, staged event. The above video documents the encounter.

They initially appear to portray me as being non-compliant. One officer in the distance can be heard ordering me to stop, while Rodello sneaks up behind my back, like a sneak-thief. I was on the phone with my girlfriend, as the video shows. I had airpods in my ears. But, at the very end, I heard the faint sound and turned to find Rodello as described, sneaking like Gollum. It appeared that they wanted an appearance of non-compliance and physical encounter. That is why they brought 3 to a dog shit party.


Furthermore, Rodello needed plausible deniability. He wasn't the one issuing the ticket, after all, so it isn't this personal thing, right? Sure. Rodello was the "officer" for lack of a better term, who apprehended the "felon". He was the one who interrogated the "felon". The Sgt. Plausible Deniability Donohue acted only as plausible deniability, as the video clearly shows.

Eric Rodello is a liar. He claimed right-off-the-bat, to not know my name. If he didn't know me or my name, he wouldn't have known anything about any issues at the park or his involvement in them... or the complaints filed against him with the city and State... or the whole host of issues surrounding the City's announced decision to not enforce the leash law. He therefore wouldn't know to stake out a specific area, at a specific time, in order to facilitate a confrontation with me. He wouldn't have known to bring THREE OFFICERS to address a dog crap incident. He and his lies are transparent. So are his denials.

Eric's "I-can't-remember-everything" and other such excuses and denials can be heard on the video. Take them for exactly as they sound. They sound like a guilty person... denying their crimes when confronted. That's what they sound like to me, but I already know the truth.

The City went incommunicado with respect to the named officers violating my rights. As I documented this latest issue and dropped of a letter to Chief Next-in-Line and the City Manager, the office staff in the city office refused to take the document. They had been told to not receive them from me, I said, "That's okay", turned and left the document as delivered.

The City covers for its bad employees. Period. Never think otherwise. In doing so, the City is spending  vast amounts of your tax dollars to hire very expensive law firms. to represent itself against cases brought by citizens against their bad employees. The Murray cases, criminal and civil, are extensive and costly. The Magdaleno case(s) are going to be costly. The Siderakis case, costly. 

I could file a case, and that would be costly. I have no desire to do that, at least yet.

Corruption like this doesn't just get better. Chief-Next-in-Line, who was in the senior leadership chain of command during the Murray crap, likely had positive input to the Murray promotion to Sergeant. Right, Chief? That was a major failure in leadership, and in knowledge and oversight of personnel. How is this type of leadership ever going to clean up a corrupted department, when they are part of that corruption? I mean, Chief-Next-in-Line is also negatively mentioned in the Siderakis case, and if that case is true, Chief-Next-in-Line loses any shred of credibility and should resign the office. But, that litigation is ongoing and will likely be resolved by a large taxpayer-funded settlement which includes non-disclosure agreements, and of course a massive pile of attorney's fees. It is doubtful that the whole truth will ever come out in that specific case. Right, City Manager Sangiacomo?

Release the tapes, Eric. The body camera tapes from you, the CSO officers, and Lead Officer Dougherty, from 12Aug - 13Aug21. Release the car videos of all officers from those dates, Eric. Release the GPS information from all police cars involved on 13Aug21. 

If I am lying, release the information, Eric. Unedited. I released mine. I will show you mine, if'n you show me yours, Eric. LOL.

Folks. the police situation in this town is sucking balls. You now need to protect yourself FROM the police. The police are operating as a street gang, using the "convict code" to punish, instead of fairly and equitably enforcing the law. Eric likely knows the convict code; he was in Lake County Corrections. The videos at Todd Grove, and this video, clearly illustrate the heavy-handed approach to me, whilst completely ignoring multiple stalking events. It documents Rodello's use of false allegations to try and silence/abate the unleashed animal complaints, multiple detainments without cause, and 13Aug stalking around town.

If you find yourself targeted by these cruds, get a good body camera. I have a link on the shittyofukiah,com website to the body camera that I use. Record these cruds. Get the video to me. Exposing it is the only way to get it corrected. The more who speak out, the faster it will get fixed.

I regretted not speaking out louder about Kevin Murray. Look how many victims there are now. 

I speak out now.

Rodello. Hmmm. An uncommon name. Wait. Let me think... That's right. There was a Rodello arrested in Lake County some time ago... on drug charges, wasn't there? A woman. Kathleen Rodello. Maybe my memory fails me. 

Lake County News,California - Lake County News,California (

Hey. Eric Rodello was a Lake County Detention Officer, prior to Costco and now Ukiah PD. I think he might have been employed there back in 2011.

Eric Rodello | Correctional Officer 2 | Lake County, California | 2018 (

Meh. Must be purely coincidental, right? Sure. I believe in coincidence.

Coincidentally, Eric... release the tapes, and go eat that bowl of Dicks... with a SPORK... a plastic one... from McDonalds. You know, the limp sporks that bend when you try to eat a dick? Yeah. One of those. Bon appetit!
