Sergeant to Police Chief... in just three years...

 Let's talk about Ukiah's newest Police Chief, Chief Next-in-Line Noble Waidelich.

Exactly how does one go from a Sergeant to Police Chief... in 3 years? More importantly, what does that portend for the community?

I can speak about this rise, from the perspective of military. This would be similar to going from E-5 to a Squadron Commander (Captain). In three years. It doesn't happen. I have looked. I can find no other example of a police Sergeant, regardless of the size of the community, rising from that position to Chief of Police in 3 years. I CAN'T FIND ONE OTHER SUCH EXAMPLE.

I don't know about you, but anomalies bother me. Especially when patterns for this career rise are so well patterned. I quote, 

"Making chief requires an extensive resume and education. Often, you'll need 20 years or more experience before you would be considered, including several years in management and upper management positions" - Police Officer Career Advancement Timeline (

TWENTY YEARS or more of experience, including SEVERAL YEARS in both management and UPPER MANAGEMENT positions... before normally being considered qualified to be Chief of Police, along with an extensive education and resume'. 

That is NOT what Ukiah has at this moment. It just isn't. Chief Next-in-Line Waidelich does not have years of either basic police management, or UPPER police management. As much as the Chief likely thinks of himself, the fact of the matter is, he doesn't have the practical experience tempered by the time in uniform and grade to be a Chief. He rose from Sergeant to Chief in 3 years. He doesn't have the experience. Period.

The City Manager is aware of this, and promoted him anyway, so that Noble could police you with his extensive inexperience.

This anomaly DEMANDS explanation. How does the City Manager sign off on the promotions of this guy, apparently several promotions, in a mere 3-year period, subjecting an unsuspecting community to his rule by decree? I mean... does the average Ukiah citizen know that this asshat who is now Chief was very recently barely in middle management at an enlisted grade? NO. They don't. Would it matter? YES. I believe it would matter.

I think most folks expect fair, competent law enforcement for their tax dollar. They also want competent protections. They aren't getting either, for the $8.5-Million-Dollar tax bill that this department costs citizens, now managed by the guy qualified to run a Denny's. Maybe.

Have you ever worked next to someone who was promoted too quickly, without time in grade to learn the job and to be seasoned? Ever been in a dangerous career, experiencing this? I have. It sucks. The UPD, and most police departments, is a dangerous career. It requires SERIOUS people... who have time in service. Seasoning. EXTENSIVE educations. 

This anomaly didn't just happen. There is something behind this promotion that clearly isn't evidenced to the rest of the population outside of the U.S.S.R.; the Ukiah Sangiacomo Socialist Republik operating out of City Hall. I for one would surely love to know what it is. I am sure most Police Sergeants would love to know the secret of Noble's success.

The impact on the community? Well... when you promote someone too quickly in a hazardous profession, people get hurt. It happens in the military and in Police Departments. The affected department will likely end up with morale problems. Turnover will be high. Recruiting becomes hard.

 Costs to the community increase because of overtime increases and general turnover costs. Officers also begin disrespecting the rights of citizens a bit more, since there is less oversight. Citizens are less served and less protected.

Isn't that what Ukiah has right now? You bet. 

It will get worse, as long as the cabal that holds this group in power remains. The City Council needs to be replaced. Completely. Replaced by no-names; average citizens from minority communities, if possible. People not beholden to the money interests. The City Manager could then be fired, along with his hench-woman Kristine Lawler... and of course Chief Next-in-Line could then be relieved. 

Ukiah could move on and become a bit more progressive... attracting things other than dope, to help maintain the community.
